Awesome Music

How to spot a DJ

May 4, 2020
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Have you ever noticed that one friend that always plays the jukebox? That one person that hits you with the song? That is the unsupported talent.

Talents that make your life.


Sometimes it is needed encouragement to get into an industry like this. It is more complicated than most know it. But unsupported talents have to be supported. They are a treasure. If one has an ability to make their friends move, why not a whole crowd? Being an influencer in music. It is a whole another level of being a leader, in a different perspective

A talent brings other people’s emotions on the table. Making them feel something all over again. Mostly the beautiful ones. Who want to run away from that? No one of course. Being there brings more to it, it brings support to the artists, starting up something big, making something new for the fans. Isn’t that exciting? Just be online for the new live streams and feel some relief.


“New artists should be discovered and supported.”

    By Elena Isjanovska Tokareva