Your personal data will be processed and protected in accordance with the Dutch data protection
legislation and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). On this page you can read
which data we collect when you visit our website, why we collect these data and how we
improve your experience using our website based on these data. So you will understand how
we work.

This privacy statement applies to the services of By using our
website you acknowledge to accept our privacy statement. In case there are links to third
party websites or sources on our website, you must realize that is
not responsible for the privacy statement of other websites and other sources.

Armada only processes your private data for the specific purposes that these data have been
provided for by you to us, unless we have received your permission to do otherwise. respects the privacy of all the visitors/users of its website and
ensures that all personal information which you will give us, will be dealt with in a strict
confidential manner. Also we will not file these data for longer than necessary and allowed by law.
Data are collected for the following purposes:

Newsletters, e-mails, competitions and events and invites.
Order one of our services/products These data will be used to execute your order. These data will be stored on a security server owned by or by a third party. We will not combine your personal data with other data.
Execute contracts.
Accounting and payments

Your personal data will be stored on a secured server owned by or
by an trusted and approved third party on base of a processing agreement. We will not
combine your personal data with other data and we will only pass on your data to other
parties if this is really necessary for our services. This may include parties such as: delivery
partners, payment partners, IT service providers. In suspicious situations we are obliged to
share customer data with government agencies.
The parties who are allowed access to your data may only use these data to provide you with
a service on behalf of Armada. We never sell your data to third parties.
We store your data in our secured databases located in the EU. We always apply strict
security measures. In the case that personal data are transferred to countries outside the
European Union, we ensure that your privacy is protected. We make sure that American
parties are registered under the Privacy Shield.

We do not store and use your data longer than necessary. We will delete all data we have
from you as soon as the purpose has expired. Or we use your data anonymously, because we
need certain data for internal analyses and reports.
For the term of storage we keep the following deadlines, after which we delete your data:

We will not store camera images of our offices for more than 4 weeks. Unless we see something suspicious that we have to further investigate whether the images should be kept longer because of a legal obligation.
We are entitled to delete inactive client accounts (after 7 years).After that period we only use your data anonymously, for internal reports.
Due to tax regulations we keep our administration with your financial data for a term of 7 years.

We collect data for research to get a better insight in our clients in order to tailor our
This websites uses cookies. A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in
a user’s web browser while the user is browsing the website. Every time the user loads the
website, the browser sends the cookie back to the server to notify the website of the user’s
previous activity. This information gathered by the cookie will be stored on the security
server of or by a third party. We use this information to see how you
use the website and to make reports on website activity in order to offer you other services
and products related to your activity on internet. Some cookie developers have access to the
data that cookies collect on our website. You can read more about this in our cookie
statement and the privacy statement of these parties.

Most browsers are set up to accept cookies but you can set up your browser to refuse
cookies or to notify you when a cookie is being sent to you. It is however possible that some
services and functions on our website and on other website do not function properly when
you have switched off cookies on your browser.

We will not provide your data to other parties. In some cases your data will be shared
internally but our personnel signed a non-disclosure contract to respect the confidentiality of
your personal data.

This privacy statement is tuned to the current status of our website. Adjustments or changes
on our website can lead to changes in the privacy statement. So we advise you to read our
privacy statement on a regular basis.

We offer all visitors the possibility to look at, to change or to delete all personal data which
has been provided to us.

At the bottom of all our mails you will find the possibility to adjust your personal data or to
terminate the newsletter.

If you would like to alter your personal data or to remove these from our files then you can
contact us. See below for contact information.