Music Music Industry

The Importance of Vinyl Records

May 17, 2020
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Remember the old ways of sharing music? Are you the generation that grew up listening to CD’s and cassettes?  Well, in the past few years as vinyl sales were growing, the CD sales where declining three times faster. Nowadays from vinyl sales the industry has earned $224.1 million, just in 2019.

Vinyl records are now important as an Egyptian mummy in a museum.


Vinyl records are the best, because some of the formats made for a broadcast as an MP3s are missed and turn up to be with a bad sound. As for the records, they have a far more better sound quality than technology could ever achieve to make.Vinyl records are mostly used by producers for rock music and jazz. But, today DJ’s also use them to mix music, make something original and sophisticated. While, keeping the old way of listening to music, new concepts and ways are invented every single day by using the same old ways with new technology. There is nothing better than listening to music with good quality. Listening to a vinyl record is like viewing Van Gogh’s work, instead of a picture painted in Photoshop.  So, imagine Van Gogh’s work with a little mixture of today’s modern frames. Perfection! Also, vinyl records tend to be taken by vinyl collectors. So, the vinyl record business is still growing, as the records are becoming more wanted and more hard to find. Even though they are very good, because as time passes their price grows. Who doesn’t want to own something like that?

” Vinyl records are forever “.

By Elena Isjanovska Tokareva